Wafy's Tools

2023 December

Submitted by Jeff on

December was semi productive. I was able to get the Rosterizer file able to get loaded finally. I was able to make a few other changes to make things easier to view the weapon stats. I also added a column to tell how many of those weapons you might have in the unit. Which should make things easier to use. I ran into a bit of an issue in the last update and made it so the army list didn't scroll properly, for about a week. Everything is good now as I was able to fix that last night. I think I am good with the main upgrades. I still need to work on the crusade view.

December 2023

Submitted by Jeff on

Progress has been made. I have been toiling away on getting the Rosterizer file to be supported. It is done with some other tweaks and fixes to the WhereAreGames app. Just kind of running into issues with the Jenkins installation and its inability to run docker images of my jobs from inside docker. It was working then things changed and now it doesn't. System administration can be a pain, but I am working through it. Once I get through that brick wall, and barring any new brick walls the update will be on production soon. 

November 2023

Submitted by Jeff on

Some progress at the beginning of the month. Things have been hectic for winter preparations. That trying to rebuild my Votann army. I have a few things lined up and hope to get to them soon. I am hoping to add a new file type and fix a few bugs in the Army List widget. Then get back to the bigger update.

As for stats, WhereAreGames came in at between 14 and 17 unique users last month. Some impressions on Google and less impressions on Bing. Overall pretty average currently. I am guessing mostly my local gaming group. 

October 2023

Submitted by Jeff on

Well, with the fall here I am hoping to get back into doing some programming. I have been a bit burnt on programming for a bit. I have a couple things in the fire, and it is making it hard to get motivated. Still have a couple updates coming for WhereAreGames, it is just taking a bit longer than I expected, and a bit more difficult. Again motivation has been a big factor. There hasn't been a whole lot of hits on the site so that doesn't exactly help. 

September 2023

Submitted by Jeff on

Not much progress. Took a break on the bigger upgrade and decided to work on another list builder's output. Working thee output of the Rosterizer List builder. It is a JSON output with a lot more information than the ROSZ files. Missing some reference ID's but looking to try and get it imported. Did a small update to WhereAreGames to fix some of the weapon views, to merge a few of them.

August 2023

Submitted by Jeff on

Making some progress on the campaign section of the WhereAreGames site. Got most of the interface ready, just need to deal with data and to be able to enter battle data. Got some good new though, some alternate BattleScribe programs have popped up. The new program they are using to enter the data is a website called NewRecuit.eu. It is a pretty good program and I added the ability for WhereAreGames to recognize the output files for the app. There are a few other programs that are taking up the mantle of BattleScribe.

July 2023

Submitted by Jeff on

It has been an interesting month. New edition of Warhammer 40k has come out and of course breaks everything. Well kind of, the BSData group is fed up with the BattleScribe app developer. They have decided to boycott him, as they aren't able to easily add the new edition's data. There are some alternatives out there which I am still evaluating, but can't do much until the data is there. GW came out with their own builder and it is useful, but not for my app. It doesn't even have any kind of useful exports.

June 2023

Submitted by Jeff on

More disheartening news, Battlescribe changed things to make things more difficult to use. They asked for permissions to the current directory that stores the files and then doesn't use it to save or update to it. Now is stored in a place that is no longer accessed by other applications. So I am on the hunt for another army builder that I can read in and use. Most seem kind of lame, since they don't seem to save in very nice formats to be used by other applications. I guess I might as well write my own app to read BSData.

May 2023

Submitted by Jeff on

I think I am slipping. Not much progress on much this past month.

Stats updates, wherearegames.com has 20 unique users from both stats programs. Still no one logging into the DynaBallot, though did get a lot of hits though. The SEO is looking about the same. 

April 2023

Submitted by Jeff on

No big updates on either site. Did add a QR code to WhereAreGames to help get new users to find the site. It turns out Google changes the search when you search for wherearegames or wherearegames.com and my site isn't even in the list. You have to click the "Search instead for" link below what they switched to. So lame, autocorrecting my domain. My site doesn't try to find a game, it shows where a game is.