Wafy's Tools

First public tech document...

Submitted by Jeff on

Created my first tech document, used my latest project as inspiration. I have been working on consolidating my Javascript into NPM packages in both my projects and in my library packages. The bad thing is when it comes to the library packages I don't have an easy way to move the Javascript from the package to the main project to be used. I have look at what is in Packagist and didn't find much that gave me the flexibility to move files from what I want to where I want. So I wrote a composer plugin to remove some cobbled together composer scripts to get around the problem.


In the beginning...

Submitted by Jeff on

There were web sites that only displayed data. Then came browser-side and server-side scripts. Where we are now, things are getting better and more complicated. But everything has it's growing pains.

I was inspired by others that have setup blog sites to keep notes on techniques they have used and projects that they are working on. I have listed projects that I currently own and hope to add to the vast knowledge base that is the internet. This is my way of giving back to the community that have inspired me so much.