Overwelming summer time...

Submitted by Jeff on

Summer time there is so much to do and too little time to do them in. Winter isn't much better, but gives you less of an excuse to go outside at least in Minnesota. Started a new sprint at the beginning of July to update the WhereAreGames site and ran into other priorities that seem to be taking things over. Was able to get the server side of the site updated with a new feature using Server Side Events. The issue I ran into was trying to update the client side to make the layout more dynamic. I did some refactoring of much of the client side code, but that was only delaying the need to revamp the layout to allow for more widgets. I have a few ideas, I just need time to sit down and work through them. I am hoping to have an update out this month yet. Though I did get a new article up today about the JavaScript tools that I use "JavaScript Tools I use in 2020", hopefully it is helpful.

SEO compliance sucks. From the sound of the videos and articles I have seen I am not the only one with this issue. I understand the need for relevant content, but when it comes to web applications that is pretty hard to come by. Sure you can have a landing page that explains the app, maybe have a few screenshots and something to put in reviews and trouble tickets. That information isn't going to change much, you might have a small section about updates you made, but most of the site will not change. From what I have heard a "description" meta tag helps, but be sure it is between 55 and 120 characters.

I added the ability to put structured data into the header of the landing page to help with the SEO also. The thing is this doesn't seem to have been used that much and the tools are still pretty limited on testing it. For a web application, chances are you are not going to have reviews yet it is a requirement for the structured data. Why does this make sense? I know that the web application structured data is a subset of the application structured data which most do not apply to web applications.

Part of my SEO problem I admit is I didn't have much on the main page of these web apps for a long time. Even now there is a paragraph on what the site is, some screenshots and a couple forms that nobody uses. Most of my traffic is bots are just getting the HTML, with a some occasional lookers. Sometimes I get "researchers" that attack my site looking for vulnerabilities, most are crackers just trying to exploit the site. I will even get some junk referrals, that can't be blocked. I am determined to figure this out eventually and get some real users.