Wafy's Tools

2024 August

Submitted by Jeff on

Another short and sweet entry. Ending of summer so might get a chance to work on things. WhereAreGames was semi busy this past month with between 25 and 32 unique users. Both the SEO's seem to be getting plenty of impressions, just not many clicks. Dynaballot didn't have any logins. 

2024 July

Submitted by Jeff on

Keeping it short and sweet. WhereAreGames had about 20 to 30 unique users. The SEO looks active on Google, but not on Bing. Still no log ins for Dynaballot, contemplating doing away with log ins and just make it so the user who creates the ballot, has to use the same machine to admin the ballot. I don't like having to authenticate either, but it is the only way to admin across machines.

2024 June

Submitted by Jeff on

It has been a month of lot of outside work and catching up with some model painting. I haven't been able to get back to working on WhereAreGames. It does look like the changes I made last month seem to have held up. I haven't ran into any issues using what I have. Though to differentiate my app from others I do need to get the new section done. The nice things it is should make it easier to add other features, if I can ever get back to it.

2024 May

Submitted by Jeff on

Semi productive this month. There were some changes to the ROSZ files that caused some units to not show weapons or even model stats. Was able to work around it and apply a patch. Not much progress on the campaign part, but still trying to get back to that. With summer here and models to build and paint it is tough to find time with a project with so few people using it. 

2024 April

Submitted by Jeff on

Very small progress with the campaign code. Been trying to do too many things at once. Given that spring has sprung it is going to be even more difficult to get it done anytime soon. I have a bug in it that I haven't been able to figure out, but I will get it eventually. For the same app, I did fix an issue with the Army List widget when the overflow runs off the screen. Especially for phones. I was able to rein it back in and seems to be better. Though I have a really rough time getting my phone to read in the change. I need to look at added caching names to the files.

2024 March

Submitted by Jeff on

Time keeps on slipping. So many things to work on and too little time to do or relax. I did make some progress with the Campaign code, but a lot needs to be done. It doesn't help that spring is almost here and some outside projects need to be started. I will try and keep plugging away at it and I hope to have something soon.

2024 Feburary

Submitted by Jeff on

So close yet so far away. Keep running into little things that keep holding back the feature. Hoping to find time this next month to work on it, assuming I don't need to update a system or change a package.

2024 January

Submitted by Jeff on

This last month has been some progress. Still having issues with organizing the data to be quick to be processed and updated. It is coming a long, but a bit longer than expected. Given that my gaming group is going to forgo the campaign aspect of the league, it would still be fun to have. Games Workshop has stepped up their game a bit. They added a play mode that will interfere with my hits a bit. Though I think there a number of people that are not interested in paying for something. So I think NewRecuit.eu and Rosterizer will still be needed.

2023 December

Submitted by Jeff on

December was semi productive. I was able to get the Rosterizer file able to get loaded finally. I was able to make a few other changes to make things easier to view the weapon stats. I also added a column to tell how many of those weapons you might have in the unit. Which should make things easier to use. I ran into a bit of an issue in the last update and made it so the army list didn't scroll properly, for about a week. Everything is good now as I was able to fix that last night. I think I am good with the main upgrades. I still need to work on the crusade view.

December 2023

Submitted by Jeff on

Progress has been made. I have been toiling away on getting the Rosterizer file to be supported. It is done with some other tweaks and fixes to the WhereAreGames app. Just kind of running into issues with the Jenkins installation and its inability to run docker images of my jobs from inside docker. It was working then things changed and now it doesn't. System administration can be a pain, but I am working through it. Once I get through that brick wall, and barring any new brick walls the update will be on production soon.