Still working on it...

By Jeff , 1 September, 2020

Another month without pushing out an update on either of my apps. I have to admit writing a GUI framework in JavaScript is a lot of thinking and hoping I write it right. Working on breaking down some more of the main GUI object into smaller components while allowing for extending functionality. A lot of what I am trying to do is to organize widgets  and allow for external widgets to be added with out interfering with the user's widgets. I have had to simplify the main component quite a bit, but still have some more work to do. The widgets themselves are already separate components, but want to pull some functions out to simplify them as well. Just need the main object broken down to smaller component first then maybe next version I will work on simplify the widgets.

Still haven't gotten any meaningful hits on my apps yet and really the SEO stuff doesn't seem to be working. I had one hit on one app, which might be someone trying it out or it be something else. Have pretty much have done everything that the Search Consoles tools have suggested and no meaningful hits. Doesn't seem to be showing up in searches either. Web apps are just not very searchable. I figured having a landing page would help with that but search engines need more meaningful content which doesn't seem possible for an application. Once I get this changes finished I am going to try some other advertisement to at least get a small group of people to try it and get some feedback.

Hope to have something new later this month in the apps. Otherwise you will see another rant beginning of next month.