Not quite production...

By Jeff , 2 November, 2020

Well the feature for WhereAreGame is written, it just needs to be fully tested and prettified. Was able to get a lot done yesterday and worked out some bugs that I had while the app was talking to the server. From the looks of it depending on how difficult it will be to test the objects, and what life throws at me, the feature should be completed soon. For the most part things look to be working as expected. There are just some validation and some polishing yet to do to make it look and feel like the rest of the site. I should also make sure I get some unit tests built, to validate future changes better.

Did see in the logs that at least one person loaded the WhereAreGames app completely in the last month. Not sure how much they used it, as all of the current functionality works offline. So they could have loaded it and never came back to the server, which is kind of the point. Looking at the SEO reports, people are not looking for it, though. I think I had one click according to the Google SEO report, which was a couple months ago. I think once this feature is done I am going to try some more SEO things on the landing page, also my DynaBallot app needs some TLC. I might let a few friends know about the site and see where that takes me, as I cannot live on SEO alone.