2024 Feburary

By Jeff , 4 March, 2024

So close yet so far away. Keep running into little things that keep holding back the feature. Hoping to find time this next month to work on it, assuming I don't need to update a system or change a package.

For the stats this month things seem pretty steady. Looks like there were about 11 to 13 unique users on WhereAreGames. Dynaballot didn't seem much for actual use. WhereAreGames is getting a lot of impressions on the search engines, just not a lot of clicking through. Most of what WhereAreGames is getting hit on is the keywork rosterizer, for the site of the same name that I added support for. Kind of funny that it is that keyword that is creating so many impressions, none of the others.

Otherwise I will keep plugging away on the feature and hopefully get to some other upgrades once this is done.