2024 April

By Jeff , 6 May, 2024

Very small progress with the campaign code. Been trying to do too many things at once. Given that spring has sprung it is going to be even more difficult to get it done anytime soon. I have a bug in it that I haven't been able to figure out, but I will get it eventually. For the same app, I did fix an issue with the Army List widget when the overflow runs off the screen. Especially for phones. I was able to rein it back in and seems to be better. Though I have a really rough time getting my phone to read in the change. I need to look at added caching names to the files. Just having a rough time trying to automate that. Another thing to push onto the stack.

As for stats, It looks like we had between 9 and 12 unique users on WhereAreGames. It looks like Dynaballot still has a number of window shoppers. For WhereAreGames, I did get a click through from Google. Bing, things look a bit sparse, it seems it might take a bit to recover from the bug. Hopefully people will look at it again.