August 2023

Submitted by Jeff on

Making some progress on the campaign section of the WhereAreGames site. Got most of the interface ready, just need to deal with data and to be able to enter battle data. Got some good new though, some alternate BattleScribe programs have popped up. The new program they are using to enter the data is a website called It is a pretty good program and I added the ability for WhereAreGames to recognize the output files for the app. There are a few other programs that are taking up the mantle of BattleScribe. Even the BSData group has made the decision to take control of the format of the data. Which I think is where it should have been. So the ecosystem is live and well. Which means I can breath a bit of relief and I can work on adding to the WhereAreGames.

For stats this last month things were somewhat down. One says 15 unique users another says 18. So the some still are still using it. Things kind of picked up at the end of the month. Dynaballot still hasn't had any loggins. There has be a few hits, but mostly just looking or spam. SEO pretty much the same, Google I did see a spike on a day, but otherwise pretty flat. Bing a number of impressions, but kind of flat for the month.