2024 March

By Jeff , 1 April, 2024

Time keeps on slipping. So many things to work on and too little time to do or relax. I did make some progress with the Campaign code, but a lot needs to be done. It doesn't help that spring is almost here and some outside projects need to be started. I will try and keep plugging away at it and I hope to have something soon.

Stats wise one set of stats says 8 unique users while another says 14. So it is somewhere in between. SEO is still looking good for the WhereAreGames app, lots of impressions, just not much clicking. Dynaballot on the other hand, still hasn't gotten any authentication completions yet. From the looks no one is using it. Though it is getting some impressions on the SEO.

At the beginning of the month I removed my Twitter/X account for Wafy's Tools. Given what X has become, I really am trying to get away from centralized social media. Especially with it being an election year.