2023 December

By Jeff , 1 January, 2024

December was semi productive. I was able to get the Rosterizer file able to get loaded finally. I was able to make a few other changes to make things easier to view the weapon stats. I also added a column to tell how many of those weapons you might have in the unit. Which should make things easier to use. I ran into a bit of an issue in the last update and made it so the army list didn't scroll properly, for about a week. Everything is good now as I was able to fix that last night. I think I am good with the main upgrades. I still need to work on the crusade view. I think that is what I am going to work on this month. 

Another thing that I am working on is trying to get my continuous integration system up and running. I have been using Jenkins, but lately it just has become nothing but trouble. I can't get it to run Docker files properly. I might still work on trying to get Jenkins to work, it is far less resource intensive than what the alternative. The alternative that I am trying out is Gitlab. Not sure if that will do what I need, I am still learning it's CI/CD system and what I can do. I have been pulling directly from the repository, but did run the tests before putting them into the repository. So they have been tested, but would like to have the reports that I was able to have in Jenkins. So I have a second goal this month to get this running. 

Going to get a few things done this coming year. I hope to get the crusade feature working. I might try and see if I can step up the Dynaballot a bit more. I will definitely need to upgrade some back end languages as well for both app and the libraries. So I have my work cut out for me. I have a bit more energy this year, so hopefully it will be enough to do some more work.

As for the stats, for the WhereAreGames site we have between 14 and 25 unique users. Which is looking good. I had gotten at least one other person to use it at the game store. Dynaballot is more of the same, no log ins. Still not sure about Dynaballot, if it worth investing much time into it. Maybe with change with the log in, might make things better. As for the SEO, things are reversed. Google is spiky and Bing isn't for WhereAreGames at least. Dynaballot is pretty much flat lined, so there is a lot of work that needs to be done with that.

So there has been some progress, just not as fast as I would like. There are some set backs that I need to over come. I am going to move forward.