More disheartening news, Battlescribe changed things to make things more difficult to use. They asked for permissions to the current directory that stores the files and then doesn't use it to save or update to it. Now is stored in a place that is no longer accessed by other applications. So I am on the hunt for another army builder that I can read in and use. Most seem kind of lame, since they don't seem to save in very nice formats to be used by other applications. I guess I might as well write my own app to read BSData. There are a few out there, not sure what the plan is for changes to the format or if there is going to be any kind of standard.
Continuing some work with the campaign add on to the BattleScribe files. Found a few issues with my loading of files and I am still trying to update some code to better handle files and their conversions. With summer here, it might be even longer to get that done. Hoping to get enough sun this summer that my mental health will be better this winter.
Stats wise things are a bit slow, only about 15 unique users according to one stat and about 11 according to another for the WhereAreGames site. Plenty of people hitting the Dynaballot site, but no one dares to log in. I really need to work on a different authentication for it.