April 2022

By Jeff , 4 April, 2022

Was able to get Web Pack issues figured out. So that the fonts loaded properly. Looks like with the new version, some of the plugins were brought in-house. I was able to get both apps updated so everyone is on the latest of everything. I started to play with JavaScript based tracking as, I get a lot of noise in the web server logs. I put it in a couple weeks ago, and I am already seeing noise in that too. I am wondering if it is because I have in in-line with the HTML that they are loading it and executing it. It doesn't look like they are loading any of the other JavaScript files so I might change it to load from a file. It is crazy how many bots and "junk" connections I get to these sites. It makes it difficult to know if the site is being used or not. Based on my file indicators, might have had the WhereAreGames site fully loaded by 6 people this last month. So far no actual input from anyone.

So far no jumps in SEO, as per usual. Most of what I have seen hasn't helped my ability to show up in search on either application. Bing was showing some movement, but Google seems to have flat lined. Which is odd, it was the reverse before.  The impressions I am getting on Bing are pretty good, but not much for non-hostname keywords. I get more impressions on both search engines for my main blog sites than I do for the applications.